Roasted mango duck Roasted mango duck

Roasted mango duck
For the duck
2 duck breasts with skin on, 1 tsp Chinese five spice powder, maltose, white vinegar, salt, fresh mango.

For the sauce
100ml lemon juice, 80g crystal sugar, 50ml white vinegar, 12g custard powder, 50ml water.

1. Clean the duck breast and season it with salt. Spread the Chinese five spice under the skin evenly.
2. Mix white vinegar with maltose and brush the mixture onto the skin.
3. Pre-heat the oven to 180°c and roast the duck breast slowly for at least 30 minutes.
4. Keep brushing the maltose mixture on the skin repeatedly to achieve the crispy golden colour.
5. Let the duck rest and prepare the lemon sauce.
6. Heat up the lemon juice with sugar and white vinegar in a saucepan on a low temperature. Do not boil.
7. Mix the custard powder with water and add to the sauce at the last minute.
8. Clean one mango, which shouldn’t be too ripe.
9. Slice the duck and mango in even pieces and serve with the warm lemon sauce underneath.

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