Receiving departments can be bribed by fruit and vegetable vendor to receive less, according to one hotel purchasing manager Receiving departments can be bribed by fruit and vegetable vendor to receive less, according to one hotel purchasing manager

Dudley attributed part of the problem to some hotel purchasing and receiving procedures in this part of the world.

“Traditionally in hotels you’d have a purchasing department and the purchasing manager oversees the receiving, but in our hotel that’s completely different.

“We have a purchasing manager who reports to the finance director and the receiving department is independent to the purchasing manager and reports as well to the finance department, so the guy who’s buying the things is not receiving the things, the two don’t meet.”

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However, the hotel has recently introduced procedures to help prevent potential scams.

“We have introduced this year that - from sales and marketing contracts to food and beverage contracts – there needs to be a minimum of two signatures from a company’s side, where as before any one manager could do a deal and sign off. It’s a safety mechanism,” said Dudley.

Ibn Battuta Gate executive chef Tunji Oladipo, who has worked in Dubai for 11 years, asserted that such corruption is not a new problem in the emirate’s hotel sector.

“It’s always been the case everywhere, when I worked in London it was the same situation, it’s just become a little more aggressive recently because all the suppliers are going down the same route, supplying the same type of things – there aren’t a lot of specialist items.

“There has always been a lot of supplier buttering up, not so much bribes with money – but gifts and things like that and now they are a little more aggressive,’ added Oladipo.