Surprise vows renewals at InterContinental Al Jubail
Reynante Pattung, sales and marketing manager at the Saudi Arabia hotel remembers catering to an event where the gentlemen surprised their wives by renewing their wedding vow…

InterContinental Al Jubail catered to a ‘love event’ that many couples from the Filipino community in Saudi Arabia signed up to.

It was a really amazing evening of delicious food and fun, and as it approached 10pm the gents surprised the ladies. Music played and one-by-one the gents went to their lady sitting at the opposite side of the room and presented a rose to them and asked ‘can you be my partner tonight?’

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Everyone was so excited and then the music stopped and a man said over the microphone ‘all men please hold the hand of your partner’. At that point, the gentlemen renewed their vows to their wives, as did the ladies to their husbands.

It was a very successful, elegant and memorable evening.