Steel trims replaced wooden finishes and fresh yellows were introduced. Steel trims replaced wooden finishes and fresh yellows were introduced.

The inside area is an unconventional space – what challenges did you come across when working to create the new look?
We didn’t see it as a challenge, but actually more of an opportunity to do something different with the interiors. When creating the new look we embraced unique aspects of the layout and used these to create exclusive seating areas, these include the tables that are available at three different levels and the prestigious table at the far end of the restaurant located on the tip of the sail.

What was the inspiration for the floating platform?
Previously the restaurant had a reflection pool and this was always a popular feature so we chose to embrace it rather than remove it. This led us to develop the special floating area right in the middle as it has perfect views over our ever changing skyline and Creek, as well as emphasising the link as guests are surrounded by water.

Who was the company who undertook the refurbishment and why was this company chosen?
The refurbishment was undertaken by Broadway and Al Aqili. They offered a turnkey solution which was perfect for the restaurant. In addition, it was crucial that the designers shared our vision and passion for Legends restaurant to turn it into a true destination with a strong focus on improving the terrace and modernising the overall look and feel.

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How much input did the team at Legends have?
The team at Dubai Creek Golf & Yacht Club worked very closely with the designers, sharing ideas, to really bring the vision to life.

What customer feedback was taken into consideration when refurbishing?
Customer feedback was very important to us as we didn’t want to dilute the elements of the restaurant that the guests have grown to love. Therefore, we made sure that some key features which have helped it become such a popular venue have been retained.

We received a lot of requests for outside dining and this is one of the main reasons we chose to revamp the restaurant, focusing very heavily on making an incredible terrace space with some interesting design features such as the personal barbecue stations and the new reflection pool.

How has the menu evolved?
Along with the evolution of the design, we also put a great deal of emphasis on making sure that the menu mirrored the updated interiors, but again retaining some of our signature classics.

Our culinary director spent a great deal of time sourcing some of the best products available including 1824 and Master Kobe Beef from Australia as well as some of the world’s finest Valrhona chocolate that we use in our new signature desserts.

The sharing concept has also been integrated into our menu and our new mini lifestyle starters allow diners to choose their own combinations for a selection of new and exciting creations such as roasted foie gras dates, lobster kibbeh, quail scotch eggs and peppered Angus beef.

The barbecue concept is now part of the outdoor terrace. Why was this type of cooking chosen and can you explain how the concept works?
We wanted to offer a totally new and different experience for our diners, which was a break away from the norm to add even more excitement and allow our guests to enjoy an interactive and fun experience.

Barbecues are great and the climate here lends itself to this sort of cooking. The guests cook for themselves, but our chefs prepare all the ingredients and meat so that diners can create their own gourmet barbecue favourites just the way they want.

Has the layout improved the operations?
The flow from inside to outside is much smoother, there is much easier access to the terrace thanks to the floor to ceiling sliding doors that blend the interior and exterior seamlessly.

What have been the results to date as a result of the new Legends?
As we have just launched the new look venue, it’s still too early to give details on the increase in revenue and covers. However, we have already seen an increase of 30% in the average cheque despite our pricing remaining competitive and we have noticed that guests are extending their stay with us.

The new menu with the increase in appetizers and introduction of the Valrhona chocolate in our desserts has certainly pushed up the amount of dishes that our guests have been ordering, and more guests are enjoying a full three courses as opposed to simply coming in and ordering a steak.

What sort of feedback have you received from your regular guests?
The feedback so far from both regular and new guests has been extremely positive and they have appreciated the enhancements made to the design.

We worked very hard to completely transform the restaurant while maintaining some of its distinct characteristics that have been loved by our loyal guests since opening nearly twelve years ago.

Has a different customer profile being attracted to the restaurant as a result?
The new restaurant has only just opened, but we have already welcomed a variety of guests from all over Dubai.

We have received extremely positive feedback regarding the new look and specifically the terrace, which is a great space for dining in the cooler months with amazing views. We have also welcomed many younger guests and newer Dubai residents than ever before.