The barcode-like matrix can be scanned by mobile devices directing the user to a URL or telephone number, for example The barcode-like matrix can be scanned by mobile devices directing the user to a URL or telephone number, for example

Quick response codes, or QR codes as they are more commonly known, have become a popular method of mobile marketing and are even giving the more traditional SMS communication a run for its money.

Sean Hart, clients services director at Ogilvy One gives five reasons why hoteliers should be incorporating QR codes into their strategy. 

 1. QR codes bridge the gap between offline and online media
They can easily be added to offline media: business cards, flyers, brochures, posters, billboards, and signs. You do not need to include your web address anymore, or a phone number and there is no risk that people may copy them down incorrectly. At the very moment when prospects are exposed to your message, they can scan the QR code and get connected to your offer, call to action or web site.

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