Felita Figueredo (right) discusses the pros of TripAdvisor in a panel session on social media marketing at the recent Caterer Conference Felita Figueredo (right) discusses the pros of TripAdvisor in a panel session on social media marketing at the recent Caterer Conference

When asked if she thought the change in attitude towards TripAdvisor was a global trend, Shaw said: “We regularly hear from businesses all over the world telling us how helpful TripAdvisor has been to their business. Each day we see more and more businesses become further engaged with TripAdvisor, posting management responses, photos and generally using it as a highly effective way of communicating with their customers.”

Aveta agreed that TripAdvisor acts as a good resource to help point out issues you need to be addressig in your business: “Faults can happen and we always welcome feedback," he said. "Everyone likes to receive good comments, but it’s the critics that make you improve. It could expose to the management a weak area in the property that they may not have known about.”

Felita Figuero, assistant digital marketing manager for Jumeirah Group, explained that social media is a two-way channel and can bring business your way.

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"We have TripAdvisor logos on our website," she said, "because social channels work in two ways and we can drive people back to the website.

"Some people think that [TripAdvisor] is something that they can't control, so stay away from it, but it's that lack of control that drives people to it. It should be embraced."

There are currently 1047 restaurants listed on TripAdvisor in the UAE.