Andrew Joyce, director of food and beverage - MEA, Hilton Worldwide Andrew Joyce, director of food and beverage - MEA, Hilton Worldwide

Are you using the lower footfall in restaurants as an opportunity to revamp outlets?
SL: In Egypt especially it is prime time to do it and our owners recognise we’re capitalising on it. In the Ramses Hilton, for example, we’re soon to enter into a massive refurbishment of everything from rooms through to restaurants.

The refurbishments are not across all hotels in Egypt as there are still some properties doing quite well, but in Cairo it’s the perfect time.

How many refurbishments are currently underway in the region?
Andrew Joyce: There are around 20-25.

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How often would you say a restaurant in this region should be refurbished to stay competitive?
JMD: It depends on the type of property and the city. The cycle can last up to seven years for a good solid concept – sometimes it is four years, but five to seven is the most common.

What innovations and technologies are you introducing into your outlets?
AJ: Here’s one example – we’re looking at software for a wine menu which will be on a tablet – an iPad or a Kindle. Diners can select their wines, they’ll have the normal menu screen, then you’ve got a selection of beverages, then you can get down to types and different categories. Customers can select by price, grape and region.

The information and imagery can be updated immediately. It’s going to be a big culture change, but the future is technology.

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