Picture for illustrative purposes Picture for illustrative purposes

Near-Term Payback Plan (three-to-eight years)
After reviewing short-term options, the next step is to undertake a more rigorous assessment. The following list details investments or changes that still have attractive payback, but may take more time to investigate and execute.
Systems change out
32. Evaluate chilled water system to specifically consider replacement of chiller(s) with more efficient models. Using the Trane Chiller Plant Analyzer is a great way to start.
33. Consider gas-powered refrigeration systems to minimise electrical demand charges
34. Assess new HVAC system
35. Replace boilers (higher efficiency, condensing, modular, etc.)
36. Consider installing: thermal storage/heat recovery systems
Operational strategies
37. Determine and implement optimum building automation/control strategies
38. Consider different utility purchasing options, rate analysis, and/or buying utilities on the commodity market
39. Ensure high efficiency motors are matched to size/loads
40. Optimize compressed-air systems for maximum efficiency through leak analysis and end-user requirements assessment
41. Study part-load characteristic and cycling costs to determine the most efficient mode for operating multiple boilers
42. Consider more efficient options (don’t use the main heating boiler) for domestic hot water during the cooling season

Click through to next page for a longer-term payback plan...

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