While the jury seems to still be out on the ‘glam’ phenomenon, a potential trend that is causing a bigger split in opinion is that of ‘gaming’ within the spa sector.

The use of mobile phone apps and software within the fitness sector is already capturing the imagination of many, but do our spa experts believe it is a trend that will make a switch to the Middle East’s spa scene?

“We certainly have noticed that online gaming in general has rapidly increased so we are certainly keeping an eye on it,” says Wyton.

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“There is the growing popularity of online games on fitness, health and losing weight among others. The power of online gaming lies on its social feedback system thus there is that network pressure to stay on track in the game.

"In terms of wellness, the ‘health’ game certainly drives people to stick to it and gain points when they achieve their goals. Whenever I engage with our spa guests, I share with them some online games and applications I have discovered such as aromatherapy, colour therapy, yoga and calorie counter.”

O’Neill concurs, but believes the trend is “in its very early stages”.

“We expect to see people using the connection to their smartphones, gaming consoles and spa-focused online games to improve their wellbeing and health,” she says.

“We have already seen a massive growth in the time people spend on their smartphones and laptops; it really is a natural progression in the not too distant future.”

But not everyone believes that gaming has much of a part to play in the world of spas.

Bin Ammar argues that “the proper way of practicing wellness is not to sit and do gaming for hours”.

“I don’t think that online wellness gaming can be a major driver in the future,” she continues. “The majority of people tend to move away from technology to treat the mind and the body, and I do not think that spas can create attractive wellness games which can keep the guest connected and attracted.”

Only time will tell if gaming is set to make an impact on spa culture in the Middle East, but one thing is certain — there is plenty for our experts and all those involved in the sector to be dealing with.

As with trends in any business, it pays to be at the front of the pack as consumers don’t wait long to be part of what is current.

Of course the best place to be is ahead of the trends, whereby you can adjust your offering to capture business before it looks elsewhere for something new.

As increasing numbers of people become spa savvy and want to be part of what is new, the need to be on top of what is all the rage will become ever more important to the success of your spa operation.