Alcohol-link news likely to upset Muslim Coke fans. Photo: Shutterstock. Alcohol-link news likely to upset Muslim Coke fans. Photo: Shutterstock.

A research paper published in France has revealed Coca-Cola and Pepsi contain minute traces of alcohol.

The revelation is likely to cause a stir among those who choose the carbonated soft drinks for religious, health or safety reasons.

According to tests carried out by the Paris-based National Institute of Consumption (INC) more than half colas contain the traces of alcohol, including brand-leaders Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola.

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While French magazine, 60 million consumers, suggests that the alcohol levels are as low as 10mg in every litre – equivalent to about 0.001% alcohol - the news is still expected to upset the vast number of Muslims who select the drink over alcohol as a religious choice, and similarly those who choose it as an alternative to Alcohol when they are driving.

Michel Pepin, scientific director for Coca-Cola France, said: ‘It is possible that traces of alcohol come from the process of making Coca Cola according to its secret recipe said a report carried by UK paper the Daily Mail.

He insisted, however, that the US icon drinks sold in over 200 countries, were provably ‘soft’ and recognised as such ‘by the government authorities in which they are sold’.

He also added that the Paris Mosque had provided the company with a certificate stating its products were suitable for consumption by the Muslim community in line with the opinion of the mosque’s committee.

While a spokesperson for Pepsi Cola denied that the recipe contained alcohol, he acknowledged that some soft drinks can contain traces of it due to the ingredients used.

Both companies suggested that the fermentation of natural fruits used in the drink can produce small traces of alcohol.