A total of 41 chefs from around the Middle East took part in the Hotelier Middle East Salary Survey. A total of 41 chefs from around the Middle East took part in the Hotelier Middle East Salary Survey.

Line staff

But while pay rises were taking place, one topic that seemed to unite the majority of respondents was whether or not line staff were being paid enough.

A robust 81.4% of hoteliers don’t believe wages for line staff are adequate. Just under half (46%) said it was time they were increased, while 35.4% said they didn’t think the wages would change.

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Staff needing a great deal of training was the reason 8.1% believed line staff wages were adequate, while a further 10.5% said wages were acceptable due to career development opportunities in the region.

What was interesting was that of the 46% who believed wages for line staff should increase, 76.3% were in a managerial or directorial role.

This begs the question why people with such senior roles are not in a position to raise line staff salaries? Is it because staff wages are governed by the owner of the building not the operator? Managing director of leadership training firm learnpurple and ex-hotel HR Lynne Bellinger gives her views in the column opposite. 

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Click here for more from Lynne Bellinger on line staff wages... 

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