For illustrative purposes For illustrative purposes

A Norwegian tourist has been caught on X-ray sleeping on a moving baggage belt at Rome's Fiumicino airport.

 The unnamed 36 year-old man reportedly climbed over one of the check-in desks and fell asleep on the belt that takes luggage to be loaded on to planes, according to reports on BBC. 

When the belt started moving, he travelled for around 50m curled up in the foetal position.

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He apparently remained asleep after staff spotted him in the X-ray machine, stopped the belt and alerted police.

The tourist, who appeared to have been drinking heavily, will now face charges in relation to the incident according to Italy's La Repubblica newspaper.

The incident has raised questions about security at the airport, but a police spokesperson told the paper that the man could not have got through to secure areas of the airport.

"There is a security system - a sort of roll-up blind - which can only be opened by the member of staff who loads the baggage," the officer said.

"[The Norwegian] could have carried on going round the main belt but he could never have ended up in sensitive areas of the airport."