Sharjah Sharjah

Police in Sharjah have issued a warning about water safety following the deaths of two men within a week.

Police said that people should not enter the water off beaches which have safety flags, and holidaymakers in hotels should check there is a lifeguard present, according to a report in The National. 

A police spokesperson told the newspaper: “We now have enough lifeguards on most beaches but it would be good for swimmers also to take caution of dangerous areas and avoid swimming when the waves are high.”

On Friday night, an Egyptian man died while swimming off Al Khan beach. This followed the death of another Egyptian man while swimming in the pool at Marbella Resort on Buhairah Cornice on Tuesday.

High waves were reported in Sharjah over the weekend. An official from the Sharjah weather office told The National: “We always have forecasts for every 48 hours and always appeal to anyone going to the sea for any activity to check the forecasts.”

In April, police in the emirate issued a similar warning, which came after two men drown in March. At that time, they said they would increase warning signs and rescue team patrols on beaches.


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