Lourenco Dias, Chief Steward, JW Marriott Dubai Lourenco Dias, Chief Steward, JW Marriott Dubai

These finalists will compete for the Stewarding Person of the Year 2012 title in the Hotelier Middle East Awards to be held on October 31 at The Ritz-Carlton DIFC.

Below you will find extracts and testimonials from the shortlisted nominations for each of the candidates...

Lourenco Dias, Chief Steward, JW Marriott Dubai

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About Lourenco

Lourenco has been with us at the JW Marriott since May of 1994, starting at the entry level as "Utility Helper". Over the next 12 months his hard work, ethics and great attitude led to his promotion to a full fledged Steward and also was Awarded "Associate of the Year " out of 560 associates working at the JW. In May of 1999 Lourenco was recognized for his hard work and dedication promoted to Junior Stewarding Supervisor.. From the moment he stepped into the Junior Supervisor position it was apparent that others followed him naturally and his "hand on management style was embrached by all quickly leading to the removal of "Junior" off his title to Stewarding Supevisor. As a supervisor, Lourenco grew to be role model for other supevisors and on March 1st. 2004, Lourenco was promoted to Assistant Chief Steward. In 2010, we had a midyear austerity correction in our management staffing and the position of Chief Steward and Executive Chief Steward above Lourenco were removed leaving Lourenco to run the entire department supported by the Culinary Leadership team. In May of 2011 he earned the title of Chief Steward and is proudly at that position to this day.

Above and beyond…
We would have to say that over the last 12 months, every aspect of Lourenco's performance in his relatively new role has been above the call of duty. Even though Lourenco is in charge, he is 100% engaged in the task of his associates and is constantly seen being there for them, He is there when and where needed irrespective of his schedule and always shares his successes with his team. We have had a resurgence of demand in the F&B Division these past two years and Lorenco has been key in the successful F&B operations. This Increased demand and the successful executions also include events from the over 250+ annual weddings to the outside events such as our nightly Dhows, the Dessert Safari to the Concert events and the participation in the most prestigious World Cup F&B Venue, I credit much of our division's success to our stewarding foundation Of course when we have our Internal hotel events such as our Holiday and Award Banquets, Property Sporting events etc. Lorenco dedicates himself to the operations of them so his supervisory team can partake. The goodwill feeling towards his ability to give of himself for others is constantly recognized by the associates. I noted that "saving a life" is an example you list... perhaps he has. As mentioned earlier, safety has been his priority and he has personally corrected many potentialy dangerous situations. Preventing accidentsand illness avoids having to rescue a life. Lorenco has shown that he and his team is all about prevention and a safe work environment Lorenco motivates by assisting and understanding needs of his individual associates and the departments he supports. Most importantly Lourenco has developed a culture that his stewarding department is a service department whose role is servicing the front line associates who service our guest. Such a foundation of "taking care of each other so we can better take care of our guests" has supported the JW Food and Beverage image as being a Timeless Landmark F&B Destination in Dubai.

Current testimonial for Lourenco: Perhaps no better testimonial than 100% of his 37 member team rating thier department leadership engagement score 100% in our Annual Marriott International Associate Engagement Survey.
Dear Kevin, I would like take a moment to recognise the efforts of Lourenco Diaz in his new role. The additional responsibilities he has taken on in the past 8 months with a reduced team has been daunting to say the least and he has demonstrated a great sense of need to take the department and his team to a higher level. He has made great efforts in increasing our Hygeine and I believe that it is his personal committment and contribution that has helped us continually raise the bar on Hygiene within our kitchens. As always thank you for your continued support, Culinary regards Damien Chorley Executive Chef
And from our new Executive Chef: Bhavesh Rawal "It's amazing how I see Lourenco step up when given a task. We have made some great improvements and Lourenco gets things done. (and I have been keeping him extreemly busy since my arrival!). We have many important and large events coming in the next couple of months and I am confident in hois and his departments ability to deliver the events above expectations. I see his work ethic and his team's pride in what they do. I look forward to what we can accomplish together! " Executive Chef Bhavesh Rawal, JW Marriott Dubai
And from our F&B Manager Hector Mendonca (Who has been here as long as Lourenco!) Lourenco has been a stabilizing force in our kitchen through many dynamic changes. He has seen the Hotel evolve to the operation it is today and he has knowledge from the beginnings of the operation that is truly invaluable. He is a source of information that is often tapped by all of us at one time or another and he freely gives it. Lourenco is always there when we need him or need to contact him. He has his team more flexible than I have ever seen and I see the ungency in the associates when we need things accomplished. I am sure that I speak for all our Banquet and Outlet managers that we are fortunate to have Lourenco's personal drive in Stewarding. He has been a large part of our F&B successes and recent awards.
Finally my own from the above earlier writings, I close that such recognition will go a long way with Lourenco and we appreciate the opportunity to recognize his efforts. He is indeed a special individual that never waves his own flag, he points to his team when credit is given and holds close personal responsibility if for anything that rarely should go wrong, In his position, he is often concelled from the general accollades. I would have nominated him as an unsung Hero but we do sing of him internally as one of our heros. Again Thank You for your consideration, Kevin Wills Director of F&B Operations, JW Marriott Dubai

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