Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates

The Team at Kempinski Hotel Mall of the Emirates is incredibly hard working and focused on delivering a great guest experience, which has resulted in the achievement of great scores in nearly all assessed areas of the hotel’s operations in the latest Leading Quality Assurance Audit in April this year, seeing the overall hotel score increase from 87.4% to an impressive 91%. Achieving consistently high results both financially and in terms of guest satisfaction levels isn’t easy, and requires a lot of hard work and dedication. The nearly 30% increase in the hotel’s employee satisfaction scores in 2011 compared to 2010 show that employees don’t just work hard and deliver, they also enjoy the work they do and the team they work with. The team leads the way in finding more efficient, greener ways to operate a luxury hotel, without compromising the guest experience. They recently launched ‘Green Inspiration’, a committee of dedicated employee volunteers from across the hotel, with as sole focus to make the hotel’s operations greener and to conserve as much water and energy as possible. Since launch, they successfully moved the hotel to the use of FSC paper and all new IT equipment now has the energy star classification. Overall, the hotel managed to achieve a 2% reduction in overall energy and water consumption.

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