Media One Hotel

“There have been many moments over the last 12 months that have really shown the strengths of the Media One team, but I believe the example that stands out above the rest was the way the team came together on New Year’s Eve. The hotel was at 100% occupancy, MED restaurant was full to capacity and M-DEK was preparing itself for a massive night. We had lifeguards who had finished their dayshift and changing uniforms to work with the F+B team at night, the finance team were bar backing, our DOSM was acting as a host to seat guests in The MED and the HR Manager was serving on M-DEK with over 900 guests. At the end of the night, when the last guests had left, and bodies were weary after working 18+ hours, bringing a massive celebration to over 1500 guests, that I realised that none of this could be achieved without the mammoth effort and coordination of a very special team. The Media One Team believes in being vibrant and they encourage and motivate each other to go beyond and I am proud to be their leader, leading them to be outstanding in today’s competitive hotel business.”

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