Aidan Keane is the larger-than-life founder and creative director of Keane Brands, one of the world's specialist design houses based in London, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.  Aidan Keane is the larger-than-life founder and creative director of Keane Brands, one of the world's specialist design houses based in London, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.

Buying a branded concept is a devastatingly simple and quick way to get a solid, proven product into a market. As long as the work has been done to ensure it sits well with the local market and the culture that lies behind it is replicated with authenticity, then as a rule it will perform. What’s not to love about that?

Exactly right and the very reason so many world brands are being shipped into these shores on an almost daily basis. Why would anyone bother creating their own concepts?

I guess the difference is in the creating — the matching of need and supply with a smart, funky offer that makes people shift a gear — somewhere never seen or enjoyed before, somewhere totally without comparison – anywhere else in that big wide world.

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I have often thought that concept creation falls into two categories. There is the concept solutions that solve a need as I describe above and there is concept dreams — concepts created purely from the mind and heart of its owner – often selling stuff that no consumer knows they need. Frozen yoghurt for example. We were all happy until someone created FroYo and convinced us we needed this too. Thankfully they did, I love it.

In there too is the style concept – the ones that are heavily design and image based; cooler versions than have gone before. Concepts that tempt us in, not necessarily because of its product as such, but because to be seen there is enough to enhance our lives.

Think five-star hotels. You cant add in any more luxury or comfort. But you can add in kudos. I can mention many five-star names but if I turn to friends and say I’m staying at the Armani or the Lagerfeld it prompts a reaction, stimulates debate and enquiry. All because of the brand name and what my association with it tells my friends.

And so the power of good brand is mighty indeed – I think we would all agree. We all use them, all day in all types of situations, for all types of reasons but when you consider it in the context of F&B brands, whether you buy-in an existing brand or create your own, the most important qualities they both need are consistency and authenticity.

Give me something I love, just the same way I like it, every time I order it. Beautiful. Let me know that when I buy, I am buying the genuine, 100% true article. This is what makes a brand stand out. You can have a brilliant product but if people don’t feel good about your brand, it ain’t going nowhere fast!

Aidan Keane is the larger-than-life founder and creative director of Keane Brands, one of the world’s specialist design houses based in London, Dubai and Kuala Lumpur.