For illustrative purposes For illustrative purposes

Ahead of the first Hotelier Middle East Spa & Wellness Forum, taking place on March 18 in Dubai, a panel of experts revealed the 10 spa trends set to dominate the industry over the next 12 months. 

1. Going bare
As ‘green’ spa products continue to trend globally, spas are going back to basics with organic ingredients and providing simpler menus with a more personal service.

2. Infusing wellness
Consumers are realising that wellbeing is more than a single treatment and are seeking opportunities to address their health, nutrition and fitness – all at the same time.

3. Spa-cations
Blooming from the wellness trend, entire weekends are now being curated as retreats that deliver a spa journey tailored to meeting individual needs of the mind and body.

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4. Chasing the discount
The trend of searching out the lastest spa bargains on daily deal sites and inside voucher books shows no signs of slowing down. With more spas popping up every month competition is fierce and consumers are spoilt for choice.

5. Medi-Spas
The ‘now’ culture and fast paced life in the UAE means clients want to see instant results and specialist spas are beginning to offer cosmetic, dental, laser, and botox treatments alongside traditional spa therapies.

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