Dalene Wray, general manager, OBE Organics Australia. Dalene Wray, general manager, OBE Organics Australia.

OBE Organics Australia returns to Gulfood this year with an eye on expansion following a full year of retail sales in the region.

The company, which focuses on introducing organic beef to the market, struck up relationships in Kuwait and Lebanon as well as the UAE following its presence at Gulfood 2012.

“One of our key objectives of attending this year is to expand our reach in the Middle East and to connect with suppliers from Saudi Arabia to bring our quality organic beef and trusted suppliers closer to the discerning consumer in the region, giving them access through their local retailers to some of the best grass-fed beef available,” said Dalene Wray, general manager, OBE Organic Australia.

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OBE Organic’s beef is derived from cattle that graze on semi arid grasslands in the Channel Country of Australia – a unique region which is home to plants such as salt brush and pepper grass, where the animals chose their own diet - free of parasites, disease and chemicals.

“Currently OBE chilled beef is available in five different cuts through Carrefour in the UAE, and together with our distributor Country Hill we hope to expand our reach to give more families access through their local retailer.”

OBE beef is also halal, slaughtered according to Islamic sharia requirements by practicing Muslim slaughterers, and has enjoyed a positive response from regional consumers.

OBE Organic can be found at Gulfood 2013 in the Meat & Livestock Australia pavilion, Hall 6 - stand D6-39 from February  25-28  2013.