David Scowsill, president & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council David Scowsill, president & CEO, World Travel & Tourism Council

David Scowsill, president and CEO of the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) called on the global travel and tourism industry “to grasp the mantle of leadership in order to influence” in his opening speech at the WTTC 13th Global Summit in Abu Dhabi.

Scowsill urged the industry to “not only influence at industry level but at world level, not only within government chambers, but in boardrooms, in the media, among employees and within supply chains”.


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Industry, national and world leaders gathered in the emirate from April 9-10 to discuss the industry’s responsibilities as it plans for future growth in international travel, while meeting its moral and commercial obligations to people, the planet and profits. The title of this year’s Global Summit is ‘A Time for Leadership’.


Over the next 10 years, Travel & Tourism GDP is set to grow by 4.4% on average per year, outpacing growth in the wider economy and other industries, notably retail and public services.

By 2023, Travel & Tourism’s total economic contribution is forecast to account for 10% of global GDP, US $10.5 trillion dollars and 1 in 10 jobs.

Total Travel & Tourism employment is forecast to increase by more than 70 million jobs over the next decade, with two-thirds of those additional jobs in Asia.

Asia will continue to lead growth, with annual average growth of over 6%, driven by increasing wealth among its middle classes.

By 2023, WTTC forecasts that China will overtake the US as the world’s largest Travel & Tourism economy, measured in total GDP terms and the size of the outbound market.


“Leadership is about influence. How do we facilitate the growth of our industry responsibly and sustainably, without destroying our planet in the process? How do we manage the growth in demand for international travel from the 2 billion new middle class consumers emerging from burgeoning economies of China and India?," said Scowsill.

"How do we prepare for the next 1 billion international travellers crossing country borders each year? The Global Summit will aim to give greater direction and insight into the responsibilities ahead of us as leaders”.


He continued: “I believe that we are now showing the kind of leadership that is befitting of an industry that can generate growth, jobs, prosperity and sustainability at both global and regional level, like no other industry on this planet. With leadership, however, comes responsibility. The world is changing dramatically. Global economies are shifting, populations are growing, social classes are fluctuating, and the world’s wealth is being redistributed. Consequently there will be a shift in the ‘world order’ of Travel & Tourism. This is our Time for Leadership”.