The style and ambience the restaurant hopes to achieve should be considered when selecting tableware. The style and ambience the restaurant hopes to achieve should be considered when selecting tableware.

Birch: Tableware should be regularly checked for cracks, chips and wear and replaced accordingly. Damaged tableware will not reflect well on the reputation of an establishment and poses health and safety risks to clientele and staff.

Schoffel: Tableware should be updated to enhance and complement changes in interior concepts or menus. That way the restaurant can offer a complete dining experience and discerning customers will appreciate the attention to detail.

Salgueiro: The suggested time to change or replace tableware is every two years. It is also recommended to introduce new china during any food festival to create a better, different experience and presentation.

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Lamprecht: Restaurants are interested in a durable and sustainable solution. Especially during a crisis, it is important for restaurants to buy quality and to push long-term solutions. In most cases a full refurbishment and update would be practical and necessary after five to six years to stay relevant but we have many cases of restaurants where the originally supplied series has been used for more than 10 years.

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