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Three men have been convicted and sentenced to three months each in prison for an armed robbery at a Dubai hotel, according to a report by Gulf News.

Two Emirati brothers, W H and AH, and a third accomplice, A S from the Comoros Islands armed themselves with knives and pepper spray and stole AED 17,600 from the hotel’s reception on November 30.

A S will be deported upon completion of his sentence, presiding judge Ali Attiyah Sa’ad announced at the Dubai Court of First Instance.

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Two juvenile suspects are also being prosecuted before the Dubai Juveniles Court for participating in the theft.

An Emirati policeman, who testified in court, said the defendants have been involved in similar crimes in the past and were identified by surveillance cameras.

“We recognised their faces because they had been involved in similar armed robberies. We raided their homes and confiscated several weapons. W H. and A H, and A S admitted that they planned the heist, along with two other juvenile defendants. They claimed that they decided to attack that particular hotel because the girlfriend of one of the juveniles worked there as a prostitute. One of the juveniles drove his car to the hotel and waited outside while W H, A H and AS carried out the heist. The defendants split the stolen money following the heist,” he said.

According to prosecution records, police confiscated a knuckleduster, six swords, knives, pepper spray and a hunting rifle when they raided the defendants’ home in Al Quoz.

All three suspects entered a not guilty plea, and the primary ruling remains subject to appeal within 15 days.