The survey questioned people on their views for the best cities in which to work, rest and play. (Getty Images) The survey questioned people on their views for the best cities in which to work, rest and play. (Getty Images)

Abu Dhabi has been named fourth in a survey of the world’s top cities, edging out other major capitals such as Sydney, Zurich and Tokyo.

The Ipsos Top Cities Index surveyed people in 24 countries in February on their views for the best cities in which to work, rest and play.

As well as an overall result, an analysis was also done of how respondents in each of the 24 countries ranked their top three.

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According to results of the online poll, Abu Dhabi emerged fourth overall behind New York, London and Paris with a top cities index score of 47.

In the business category the UAE capital performed better with a ranking of number two, behind New York. For respondents in Belgium, Italy, Spain and Saudi Arabia it was ranked first.

And while Abu Dhabi ranked sixth overall as the best place visit, and seventh as the best place to work, respondents in Saudi endorsed it as first in both categories.

The survey results showed Germans ranked Abu Dhabi third as a place to play.

Overall, Zurich was ranked first as a place to live, with Sydney second and London third.

Respondents favoured Paris, New York and Rome for destinations to visit.

Ben Page, chief executive of Ipsos MORI, said: “All countries are chauvinistic but some are more chauvinistic than others. This unique survey gives us an on-the-ground view not just of what people around the world think of the world’s great cities but also what they think of their own.”

The survey asked respondents to rank cities “based on what you have seen yourself, or heard from others”.

It said a sample of about 1,000 people per country was taken, with the exception of 12 countries which had 500.

In the least-popular cities, the bottom six were Budapest, Casablanca, Warsaw, Tehran and Karachi.

Those which “could do better” included Moscow, Brussels, Madrid, Istanbul and Bangkok.

“The global public are quite discerning about their favourite cities,” Page said.

“New York is top for business, Paris is the place to visit, Zurich is the number one place to live.

“But, they are united about which cities they don’t feel are strong – across the 24 countries covered Karachi gets nil points, with Tehran... and Warsaw barely troubling the scorer.”