Guest nights at Abu Dhabi hotels rose by 25.5% across the board in the first half 2013. Guest nights at Abu Dhabi hotels rose by 25.5% across the board in the first half 2013.

A recent study by the Abu Dhabi Statistic Centre (ADSC) has revealed a 38.9% increase in the number of Asian visitors to the UAE capital in the first half of 2013.

With guest nights at Abu Dhabi hotels rising by 25.5% across the board in the first half of the year, the ADSC report also revealed a significant increase in regional visitors, with the number of UAE and GCC guests increasing by 24.6% and 10.1% respectively.

Speaking to Hotelier Middle East about the impact to her own hotel, Holiday Inn Abu Dhabi sales and marketing director Balwinder Kaur revealed that: “The growth in nationalities has mainly been from the Indonesian and US market with slight growth from the GCC market as well.”

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“The growth as we see it has been 7% in occupancy for the first half of 2013 vs. 2012, with a slight drop in rates,” added Kaur.

The statistics, sourced from the Abu Dhabi Tourism & Culture Authority, also reveal an increase in the average length of stay across most nationalities, with an overall growth of 12% to an average of 3.17 nights.

UAE guests showed the largest increase in duration with a shift from 1.85 to 2.28 nights, marking an inflation of 23.24%. The only negative shift came from North and South American travellers which saw a loss of 1.33%; however the average length of stay for this group remains the longest at 5.18 nights.

According to Beach Rotana Abu Dhabi general manager Jörg A. Hauri, this increase supports Abu Dhabi’s emergence as premier tourist destination: “The increase can be attributed to the efforts that Abu Dhabi Tourism and Cultural Authority has made in promoting Abu Dhabi as a destination to visit both for leisure and business purposes.”

“Beach Rotana has enjoyed a slight increase in occupancy although less than the average 8% reported...The hotel’s average length of stay is currently above the reported city average figure, and reached the average of 3.94 nights per stay,” he added.

By Amanda Elisha