48. Orestes Lopez - Operations Manager, Ginza Restaurants 48. Orestes Lopez - Operations Manager, Ginza Restaurants

48. Orestes Lopez - Operations Manager, Ginza Restaurants

Bite-sized facts:
Restaurants under remit: 3
Size of team: 200+
Number of years in the F&B industry: 18
Number of years in the Middle East: 7
Nationality: Spanish

Ginza Restaurants operation manager Orestes Lopez has had a busy year with the opening of three brands under the F&B division of Ginza — Vogue Café, Brandi Pizzeria in Dubai Mall, and Serafina in Souk Al Bahar, Downtown Dubai.

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He is currently working on the group’s latest opening — Miskeh Levant Kitchen — with five more concepts slotted in for 2014.

Based in the Middle East for seven years, Lopez works with over 200 colleagues and is proud of his team’s ability to adapt quickly to the local and regional market. Lopez counts the successful launch of Serafina Dubai in a short time, and having it run smoothly and efficiently, as a major pride point.

In 2014, he wants Ginza to continue “the momentum of launching successful restaurants that will have people all over the world talking”.

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