Melitta key account manager international Falko Pluckebaum believes the market is full of innovation at the moment. Melitta key account manager international Falko Pluckebaum believes the market is full of innovation at the moment.

Training baristas

As with all topics in Caterer, training is the one that almost always sees a consensus and coffee is no different with Godhino leading the cry of “there is a long way to go”.
“Proper training involves complete transfer of the necessary skills to change a trainee’s skill level in a positive way towards providing the ultimate coffee experience for your customer,” he argues.

“For the specialty coffee industry, this usually means that there is a training goal of teaching and inspiring all staff to provide great drinks with outstanding customer service 100% of the time, which ultimately and continuously generates better business for a store.”

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Each year SCAA-certified trainings and workshops are put on as an essential component of the International Coffee & Tea Festival.

“Much like the distinction between fast food and fine food, specialty coffee requires knowledge, dedication, skill and precision to consistently prepare exceptional brews,” he adds.

Kalwani agrees and says “unfortunately there are only few certified barista trainers who train according to WBC standard”. “We are fortunate enough to have the team at Cafés Richard (our coffee supplier) who complete training sessions with our staff frequently,” she continues.

“They also hold inter-barista competitions to keep the staff motivated and expand their knowledge of coffee.”

Farrance says a common problem is milk being burnt, or the drink isn’t hot enough.

“Also, shortcuts in cleaning between shots can contaminate and hence spoil a good bean,” he adds.

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