Sharjah hotels confirm 100% occupancy. Sharjah hotels confirm 100% occupancy.

Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority (SCTDA) confirmed that the hotels in Sharjah are currently fully booked, reported Gulf News.

The increase in tourists and occupancy has fallen at the same time as school holidays in the UAE and other Gulf countries; these began March 29 and will end on April 9.

SCTDA’s statement confirmed that the visitors from Arab countries make up for nearly a third of all guests in Sharjah hotels.

The emirate hosted 42,150 guests from Saudi Arabia alone in January and February this year. 28,861 Saudi guests visited Sharjah in January, marking a 4% increase from January 2014. Similarly, February also saw an increase in numbers — a 30% rise from 10,200 last year to 13,289 in 2015.

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Moreover, families from Saudi Arabia in Sharjah’s hotels accounted for 15% in January 2015 compared to 13% a year earlier, and 9% in February against 6% in the same month in 201