Would this product be suitable for mid-market hotels?

Yes, absolutely it would. It’s good to have coffee with personality that will leave a positive trace in the experience of the guests. You cannot have something extravagant or expensive that will please only a few guests, especially in the mid-market. But, Coffee Planet has character, which comes from the blend selection and local roasting facility – it’s not an exclusive product, but it’s a different offering, and that is always a good thing.

Would you supply your hotel with this product?

Yes, why not. We have different guests staying at Novotel, people from different backgrounds, from different continents, so you cannot select one coffee to please everyone – it’s not that easy. It’s best to choose a coffee with full intensity – one that can give a guarantee of quality – which means every cup you serve has been produced with value.

Is this product priced appropriately for the mid-market?

The price is fair, especially when taking into consideration the coffee is imported. Bear in mind too, it is not a single origin coffee blend, plus it is roasted and packaged locally, which makes it a more attractive product. To have a fair trade or organic label among the selection is a plus too, especially as the company is competing with so many established coffee brands and coffee makers. However, the Coffee Planet approach of supplying machines and maintaining them too: this will make a difference in the long run.

Would you recommend Coffee Planet to other mid-market hoteliers?

Yes, just because of the passion and determination of its people, and the taste of course. There is personality in every cup, it is not copying other suppliers on the market. Coffee Planet will leave a good experience and guests will remember this.

Final comments: We like that it has an organic blend. We are always trying to source organic products; this comes back to quality, it means knowing where your products are coming from, how they were produced, if the supplier is passionate about what they do and if they believe in their product. This creates added value – guests will appreciate this. This is where Coffee Planet’s barista training comes into play; guests will recognise the knowledge in our professionally trained baristas and they will feel this passion for coffee – this is what I call added value.

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