Separation of Validation and Verification

Traditionally, HACCP classified validation as a system under verification.
Recently, food safety experts are rethinking this concept and are separating validation activities from verification activities.

Currently, Codex is developing a standard that describes the guidelines for the validation of control measures

The following definitions can help clarify validation, verification and monitoring:

Validation: obtaining evidence that the control measures managed by the HACCP plan and the operational PRPs are capable of being effective. This is an assessment conducted prior to starting operations.

Verification: confirmation through the provision of objective evidence that the specified requirements have been fulfilled. This is an assessment carried out during and after operations.

Monitoring: conducting a planned sequence of observations or measurements to assess whether control measures are operating as intended. This is an activity undertaken during operations.

ISO 22000 requires that all control measures must be validated to ensure that they are capable of controlling the hazards.

Validation consists of ensuring that performance of the control measure meets or exceeds specified expected outcomes.

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It is essential to set objectives which are specific, attainable, relevant, and time-framed.

The policy and the objectives have to be communicated, implemented and maintained across all levels of the organisation.

Top management should conduct periodic management reviews of the food safety management system, in order to assess the overall effectiveness of the food safety management system.

In addition, it provides a mechanism that allows every one to commit to the food safety issues that are a priority to top management.