Halima Anderson. Halima Anderson.

This type of thing happens for a number of reasons and in some cases can be smoothed over by a savvy server.

I am not sure this is available at some restaurants in Dubai.

This raw chicken situation should really never happen — but if it does, a server should remove the dish immediately.

There is nothing worse than staring at raw chicken that you may or may not have eaten while a server finds management, another menu or hides in the kitchen out of shame.

Secondly, bring a menu to the customer and do not leave his or her side until a decision is made.

Do not assume that the customer wants the same item. I can almost guarantee the customer will choose another menu item if anything at all.

Management should come to the table right away and extend his or her apologies.

Never make excuses! You have to accept the loss on this one. Raw chicken is a health hazard and is unacceptable.

Story continues below

Lastly, the establishment must turn the situation around. The best way to do this, after the situation mentioned above has taken place, is to offer a gift voucher.

Get that customer back in to start anew. Wow them from the time they make the reservation.

The manager should give his direct number and encourage the customer to call him or her directly when revisiting the establishment.

This gives management the opportunity to steer the experience in the direction towards an amazing dining experience. (Make sure they get one of the best tables in the house!)

The gift voucher does not have to be for the entire meal, but at least a portion of it.

Management should not be over-attentive; two visits to the table is sufficient. One visit should take place upon arrival and the other after the entrees are delivered.

Of course, the chef should be notified so that they can do a once-over before those dishes go out!

Desserts are always a nice touch and they are a low cost item for restaurants, so throw one in on the house.

Nick — I am guessing this was not the case in your experience.

But don’t give up yet! I am hopeful that with awareness and understanding, Dubai’s restaurants will get there.

Best wishes to all,


Read on to see what Ryan McMaster has to say about "ignorant and stingy owners"...