We were glad to hear that the rumours of Victoria Beckham's hotel debut in Dubai were unfounded, despite the amount of traffic on our website that would have been generated by the story over the coming years. 

But we did wonder who would make an impact on the Emirate's hotel scene so we compiled a list of the top 10 celebrities we would like to open a hotel.

They may not make the best hoteliers, but they would certainly give us something to write about. 

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Is there anyone you would like to see open a hotel out here? Please leave a comment on who you would choose and why. 


1: Lady GaGa

Mad as box of frogs on laughing gas this bona fide nut would create one of the most intriguing hotels in the world let alone Dubai.

Her style is unique and her ability to shock would cause so much consternation we guess the property would have its license revoked in less than 24 hours, but what a 24 hours it would be.

Name of hotel: Burj al Agaga