Bumbledom is why 72% of British people leave the UK. Around 8% cite the weather, while 20% had no idea how they left, they awoke to find themselves ab Bumbledom is why 72% of British people leave the UK. Around 8% cite the weather, while 20% had no idea how they left, they awoke to find themselves ab

Bumbledon: (n) self importance in a minor office

In a sentence:

Guest: I demand to see the manager: I am in a standard room and I should be upgraded to a suite.

Story continues below

Reservations manager: Sir, why should you be upgraded, you have only paid for a standard room?

Guest: Don’t you know who I am? I am the assistant clerk to the deputy manager of the chief of keys at the museum of stamps and postcards.

Reservations manager: Well if you had told me that before sir I would have sorted you out a lot sooner.

Guest: At last, some respect that I deserve.

Reservations manager: Concierge, kindly take this bumbledon’s bags and put them in the next taxi along with him.

Guest: How dare you. You will be sure to hear more from me on this.

Reservations manager: I will look out for your postcard. Good day.