Kim Jong Il has written three books on oniochalasia, but he was so worried about sales he bought all the copies to relax [Getty Images]. Kim Jong Il has written three books on oniochalasia, but he was so worried about sales he bought all the copies to relax [Getty Images].

Oniochalasia: (n) The purchasing of objects as a form of mental relaxation

In a sentence:

Bellboy: Sir, that woman is pulling at her hair, is bright red and screaming at other guests. Should I have her removed?

Story continues below

Concierge: No, that is our favourite customer at the gift shop. She practices oniochalasia. Watch what happens now.

Bellboy: Well she is attacking the shop keeper and tearing up the postcards of our hotel.

Concierge: No problem, give her a minute.

Bellboy: She seems to have stopped.

Concierge: Yes and now she is about to purchase 12 our most expensive glass statues of the Burj al Arab.

Bellboy: Incredible.

Concierge: Never underestimate the value of oniochalasia on one’s pocket.