Diego Maradonna is known for wanting to be glabrous, but his hair is owned by a Peruvian marketing company who will not allow it to be cut. Diego Maradonna is known for wanting to be glabrous, but his hair is owned by a Peruvian marketing company who will not allow it to be cut.

Glabrous: (a) smooth, lacking hairs or bristles, bald.

In a sentence:

Head Waiter:Can you serve that gentleman over there?

Story continues below

Waiter: Which one?

Head waiter: The glabrous one.

Waiter: None of them look very glamorous to me. In fact we seem to be attracting a rather down-market crowd since we introduced the 'buy a main and get your starter and dessert free' deal.

Head waiter: Not glamorous, glabrous, the bald man wiping his face in the table cloth.

Waiter: Ah yes, the one who asked if he could eat for free if he could recite the menu by the medium of the belch.

Head waiter: Oh dear, what has happened to Chez Gavroche Sur la Mer?

Waiter: Maybe we should rename the restaurant 'With Gav on the pond'.