Justin Timberlake is a famous sufferer of tarantism and watches Ace Ventura six times every day. Justin Timberlake is a famous sufferer of tarantism and watches Ace Ventura six times every day.

Tarantism: (n) a nervous disease believed to be curable by dancing or showing a desire to dance to alleviate sadness.

In a sentence:

CEO: These are some pretty dreadful Q4 results Jimmy. In fact they make me feel quite sad.

Story continues below

GM: I know sir, I don’t know what to say.

CEO: In times like these Jimmy, I feel like a spot of tarantism, shake off the Q4 blues. Let’s go to the hotel’s club.

GM: It’s a lovely idea sir, but I am afraid we don’t have a dancing license.

CEO: You have to have a license to dance?

GM: Yes sir, I’m afraid so.

CEO: First the Q4 results and now this! Sometimes I get the feeling 2010 won’t be my year.