Sandra Bullock is panurgic. Not only is she an actor, she also sells real estate in Michigan and works a hot dog van in Nebraska [Getty Images]. Sandra Bullock is panurgic. Not only is she an actor, she also sells real estate in Michigan and works a hot dog van in Nebraska [Getty Images].

Panurgic: (a) skilled in all forms of work

In a sentence:

GM: Today I have helped clean the windows, cooked three guests their omelettes and parked four guests’ cars. I truly am panurgic.

Story continues below

Housekeeper: Well done sir.

GM: Thank you. I am sure one day, if you keep using me as a beacon of hope and a shining example of what can be achieved in life through hard work, dedication and a lot of charisma, you might be able to become half the man I am, which is still a great achievement.

Concierge: Sorry to interrupt sir. Some guests are complaining their view is ruined by a window cleaner who smeared dirty water across their window. We had to call an ambulance because three guests have got acute food poisoning. And there is a man outside who wants to know why the side of his Porsche that he valet parked has scratches and dents all down the side.

Housekeeper: Well sir you have been busy. Maybe you should just stick to your own job in future?

GM: Careful, or I will have to do your job as well.