Rikan managing director Riaz Khimani (centre) with Mohamed Kamal (L) and Johnny Chriches (R). Rikan managing director Riaz Khimani (centre) with Mohamed Kamal (L) and Johnny Chriches (R).

The second annual Rikan show opened yesterday at the Grosvenor Hotel, where the company launched its rebranding and showcased its new products and catalogue.

Set across two evenings, The Rikan Show is an event which gives hoteliers the opportunity to view the luxury amenities products made by Rikan, which range from bathroom sets to buffet platters that can be made to order.

Rikan managing director, Riaz Khimani, said: “This year we launched a new catalogue we are rebranding ourselves, we have also changed our logo. The show is the launch of the rebranding, an introduction to our new products, and the new 2010 catalogue.”

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Between 60 and 80 guests attended the first night of the show, and a further 120 attendees are expected for the second night.

Ferrari World general manager, Claus Frimmand, a guest at the event, said: “It’s our first year at the show — it’s a good idea. We like the products and we are definitely going to buy some of them.”

Khimani launched the show in order to display Rikan products in an informal environment and said that the response from the previous year’s show was good.

“We don’t start something unless we are sure that we want to continue, and once we started its there for life,” Khimani added.