Seeking out the hottest new F&B outlets, Caterer Middle East reveals the innovative concepts and operation strategies securing the success of the region’s new launches

The glitz and glamour of Las Vegas has arrived in Dubai, in the shape of renowned US restaurant brand Caramel’s new outlet.

Spread across 10,000 square feet with an elegant interior, an outside terrace and nine private cabanas, this is the latest addition to the Caramel portfolio — a brand started in Las Vegas at the Bellagio Resort, and one of 15 brands managed by The Light Group.

The Group’s director of operations, Jim Moaddab, explains: “A city of quality like Dubai deserves the sort of hospitality our venues are known for in the US.

“Also, its location at DIFC, which is well known internationally for its world-class standards of innovation, dynamism and design, serves as the ideal launch pad for our expansion outside the States.”

Transferring a successful concept from such a different market could easily have presented difficulties, but thanks to the group’s forward-thinking approach and dedicated market research, the transition went smoothly, says Moaddab.

“We had to look at the local market to make sure that everything from the food to the décor would appeal to the tastes of the residents and visitors to the city,” he noted. “But the values and atmosphere of the city sit well with us, as we are a progressive group always seeking to deliver something new to our guests.”

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In Las Vegas, the Caramel Bar and Lounge is an established celebrity haunt — a reputation its Dubai counterpart will aim to emulate, targeting a clientele of VIPs, socialites and young professionals.

But Moaddab insists he is undaunted by the challenge of living up to the original. “Our strategy is to continually assess what we are offering and how we are performing, to ensure we provide consistent quality in terms of service, special events, food and entertainment,” he explains. “All of this will help build and maintain a loyal customer base long after the initial opening boom.”

Design details

“Low amber lighting, dark wood and plush seating throughout keep the space inviting and comfortable. The word Caramel conjures up images of warm colours, seduction and taste, which we try to reflect through our design and décor.”

Top Tip

“It’s all about attention to detail, from decoration to food to entertainment. You want to provide the best you can to make your venue stand out and by offering exceptional service.”