In the heat of summer, bacteria can thrive on incorrectly stored food. [CR: Bensik Imeri] In the heat of summer, bacteria can thrive on incorrectly stored food. [CR: Bensik Imeri]

Approximately245 tons of foodstuffs unsafe for consumption have been discovered and destroyed in Dubai, according to a statement released by the Products Monitoring Section of the Municipality’s Food Control Department.

The department has introduced rigorous inspection campaigns to coincide with the arrival of the summer season, when high temperatures can lead to easy damage of food items.

Over the past month, tons of items deemed unfit for human consumption, from meat and fish to vegetables and fruits, have been confiscated from the emirate’s vendors and destroyed.

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Sultan Ali Tahir, head of the Products Monitoring Section, promised that round-the-clock monitoring was taking place to ensure the health and safety of citizens and residents of Dubai.

According to Tahir, the department’s food inspectors are following up with food outlets, supermarkets, meat and fish shops on a daily basis, to make sure they are meeting Municipality hygiene requirements.

"The inspectors are taking all legal actions possible against abusers of the rules and regulations of the Municipality," he added.

Tahir said the inspections would continue until all foodstuff shops in the market were covered.