ResNet World director of marketing Josiah Mackenzie ResNet World director of marketing Josiah Mackenzie

Managing Your Time in Social Media

We’ve reviewed some of the major social networking options. So how do you allocate your time among a myriad of social media options?
It’s simple — follow the data! Take a careful look at your metrics. What’s working? What’s not?
As I said at the beginning of this article, you will probably have to use Return on Objectives to do the apples-to-oranges comparison. But in the end, numbers don’t lie. If a trendy new site isn’t producing the results you’re looking for, then stop spending so much time on it.
Some networks naturally consume more time than others. Writing a blog post takes longer than posting a tweet. Producing a YouTube video will take longer than moderating a group on a website. But if the additional time investment gives you higher overall ROI, then it’s worth it.
It comes back to Pareto’s 80/20 rule — find the select few social media activities that produce tangible results for you, and try to focus your time there.
Since this is highly variable on your property, follow these action steps to create a unique plan for you:

  1. Develop a new set of objectives-based metrics for measuring social media activity in a way that is relevant to your hotel.
  2. Compare past statistics with your new metrics. (If you have not been gathering sufficient data, then take a week or two to do that).
  3. Use insights from your comparison to develop a list of social media top performers – for you.
  4. Create a personalised social media management routine based on this data.

For a free tool that matches your hotel’s needs and objectives with the right social media networks, visit: Josiah Mackenzie runs the most popular hotel marketing blog (according to Google)
and currently holds the position of director
of marketing at ResNet World. Details: or +971 (4) 448 7222.

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