Gordon Campbell Gray, chairman Campbell Gray Hotels Gordon Campbell Gray, chairman Campbell Gray Hotels

Today marks the unveiling of the Hotelier Middle East Power 50 – the fifty biggest, boldest and most influential names attached to the hospitality industry in the Middle East today.

We will be releasing 10 names a day on hoteliermiddleeast.com with the complete list coming as a supplement in October's edition of Hotelier Middle East. 

Enjoy going through the list and we are certain everyone will have their own opinions on who should be in the list, so leave your comments on who and why you think your choices that didn't make it in should be there. 

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Gordon Campbell Gray
Campbell Gray Hotels

Gordon Campbell Gray takes the final spot in the Power 50 for his vision in recognising the potential of Beirut as a hot hotel destination. Against the warnings of analysts, Campbell Gray started developing his hotel in Beirut four and half years ago and Le Gray opened at the end of 2009 to critical acclaim.

Now the favoured destination of celebrities from Mick Jagger to Christian Louboutin, the hotel has put Beirut as a destination back on the map and created demand for further hotels in the region from Campbell Gray, who also runs two hotels in London and one in Antigua.

Such is his passion for Beirut that Campbell Gray has now moved there from London and he is currently developing plans for a beach resort in Lebanon at the Damour Project, a coastal city 25km south of Beirut.