Sol Melia Hotels and Resorts executive vice president Andre Gerondeau. Sol Melia Hotels and Resorts executive vice president Andre Gerondeau.

Spanish hotel company Sol Melia have announced plans to open its first property in the Middle East -  a five star 'urban resort' in Dubai.

Sol Melia Hotels and Resorts executive vice president Andre Gerondeau said: "This is our first property in the Arabian Gulf, and the first step to realising our expansion plans for the region. 

We are currently negotiating with potential partners in Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Jordan," he added.

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The opening comes just one year after Emirates Airlines opened its first daily flight to Madrid.

"We chose Dubai (for our entry point into the Middle East) because this is the commercial hub for the region and we felt our brand attributes would suit such a cosmopolitan market. We believe our traditional Spanish hospitality can offer a new dimension to customers in the region, while still appealing to Arab guests," explained the Melia brand senior vice president Daniel Lozano.