Wyndham Hotel Group CEO and president Eric Danziger says countries may benefit from unrest. Wyndham Hotel Group CEO and president Eric Danziger says countries may benefit from unrest.

Haddad on … challenges for development
“Some of our brands are still not present here and as always the introduction of new products and brands to any market takes time, and that’s truer in the hospitality business than any other.

“Developers are cautious about their investments and are more likely to invest in a proven brand regionally than a new one.

That said, many investors are now looking for new products as they are realising that there are significant advantages in being a ‘first in’, particularly where the brand is supported by an international infrastructure such as the one we provide.

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These advantages include the novelty, having no brand dilution, attracting new market segments and, perhaps most importantly, unrestricted growth potential.”