Graziella Nieto, one of the few female mixologists in the region is proud to push boundaries. Graziella Nieto, one of the few female mixologists in the region is proud to push boundaries.

Hugh Sato Gardiner

Okku has faced challenges with regards to the import of specialised ingredients — how have you overcome these and kept constant supply lines?
I constantly try to build new connections and supply lines in markets all over the world to counter any potential problems with specialist ingredients.

We’ve had problems with the various natural disasters and e-coli outbreaks in Europe etc, so being able to grow a global supply network helps maintain quality. Of course this does not always work perfectly, at the moment we are having problems sourcing key ingredients.

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How did you achieve savings in food costs this year?
We worked on minimising wastage by getting better product utilisation, which included creating some new dishes as well as working on tightening inventory control and implementing a very tight JIT programme.

The plus of this has been even fresher produce for guests and some new exciting dishes, unfortunately at times we have also run out of some products but at least the guests know it is super fresh.

You are about to change the menu again — where do you get your inspiration from?
I get my inspiration from everywhere, everyone and nearly everything I come across. I spend a great deal of time experimenting with different flavours and textures to see what combinations work, and how best to integrate something new within the Okku style followed by looking at the best way to present it.

It’s important to always develop and grow a menu to keep it interesting. We take elements of dishes that have done particularly well and refine them or even reinvent them to create something that is both familiar and different. This keeps things fresh for our guests and team.

What needs to be done to drive the use of sustainable food sources here?
We need to work really closely with suppliers to help them source sustainable ingredients as well as rally together as an industry in order to drive the use of sustainable food sources.

Part of the problem is that some suppliers simply don’t seem to care enough or understand the responsibility we have to the world around us both now and for future generations. Too many people are only focusing on the short-term profits.

We believe that as a collective we can make a real difference and I am a firm believer of sourcing quality sustainable ingredients. For example, Okku was the first to stop serving Blue Fin tuna. In fact, all fish we buy comes from sustainable sources.

What are you most proud of in your career so far?
Being part of a truly dynamic and home-grown Dubai brand has been an incredible experience. We’ve all worked so hard to get Okku to a level that can rival some of the biggest names out there, which is reflected in the amazing awards based on both consumer and industry feedback.

We’re now taking the brand outside of the UAE and this is testament to the amount of dedication and effort, which I am proud to say that I have been a part of from the start.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years’ time?
I would like to say something like having a beautiful little restaurant on a beach somewhere watching my family grow up, but knowing me and the guys we will be doing this again because we love what we do everyday.

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