Nanda Nkumar Sethy is overjoyed with the opportunity this accolade will bring Nanda Nkumar Sethy is overjoyed with the opportunity this accolade will bring

Nanda Nkumar Sethy, winner of the Stella World Draught Masters 2011, on how it feels to be world champ, and just how he reached the dizzy heights.

How did it feel to win?
I felt very proud and honored to be representing not only InterContinental Abu Dhabi but the entire Middle East region in the Stella Artois World Draft Masters 2011 in Argentina. Being crowned the official ambassador is a dream come true!

What has made you the Stella Artois World Draught Master?
Ever since joining InterContinental Abu Dhabi in 2009, I remember finding the skill of draughting interesting. Working at the Belgian Café Abu Dhabi has given me the opportunity and tools to improve my skill and knowledge, not only from my colleagues and superiors but also from visiting professionals and masters. This has contributed and played a huge role in me gaining the title.

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Did you think you were in with a chance from the start?
Yes, I was confident that I could go a long way in the championship – and it seems I was right!

Have you competed in the competition before?
I participated in Stella Artois World Draft Masters 2010 as well and I finished as second runner up. Since then I’ve worked hard on developing and further improving my skills, and I’m glad all my hard work has paid off.

Did you get time to see any of Argentina?
I did! We had the chance to go for a city tour around Buenos Aires. It’s a beautiful city.

What kind of practice did you put in?
I had a training plan scheduled every day until the global finals in Argentina. I also went through previous world competitions to get tips on how else I could master this art and perform my best in the finals.

What goals do you have next?
I would love to travel the world – which will be part of my role as a Stella Artois World Draught Master Ambassador – I’ll be travelling to different corners of the world demonstrating my skills and meeting other Draught Masters.

What advice would you give to next year’s wannabe contenders?
Believe in yourself and keep practising.