The Blue Grill - paving the way with a food and wine pairing menu The Blue Grill - paving the way with a food and wine pairing menu

Last year saw a huge amount of changes in the foodservice industry. With the crash of the late noughties disappearing further into the distance, companies regained confidence and budgets were loosened to give scope for new ideas to be formed and the industry to move forward once again.

Franchise company Cravia, owner of Zaatar w Zeit, Cinnabon and Seattle’s Best Coffee in the UAE, has reported that sales in 2011 hit AED 100 million (US $27.2 million) for the first time ever, and the company generated profits of AED 20 million (US $5.5 million) for the first time too, compared with under AED 5 million (US$1.4 million) in 2009.

So with this renewed confidence, and more spending money in industry players’ pockets, in what direction will we take the Middle East’s F&B sector this year? We asked the experts for their top predictions…

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