The UAE hotels in 2012

Henning Fries, Bab Al Bahr: How will you cope with growth in luxury inventory in Abu Dhabi?
“It would be foolish to think [recent additional supply] is not going to [have an] impact. Anybody in the market will notice other entrants coming in. Of course we want to make sure we maintain the business levels we have enjoyed and continue to grow the client base as it is.

So yes, Abu Dhabi is going to be a challenging market, that certainly is no secret. Having established a brand and having achieved above a fair market share already in the second year of operation, it gives us a very good base to maintain and build on.

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“Abu Dhabi is showing significant growth year on year in terms of its rivals and in room nights being booked. In a normal market, it would be astonishing how much the market grows, so we are ready in terms of our products, services and where we stand to face that traditional competition.

And I think what will happen overall in the market, it will probably squeeze out some operations that no longer stand up to the mark. Our objective is to really firmly keep our feet planted in the market, and to be a catalyst also for the market.

Michael Moecking, Fairmont Dubai: How will you capitalise on the 10-year anniversary of Fairmont in Dubai?
“I’d like the property to be known as one of the institutions. What this property managed very well in the last 10 years in consistency and service delivery and I believe we have a good chance to keep this going because this is what we do in product and service delivery.

Secondly, as we are 10 years young, we need to at least think a little differently, or renew our sense in certain areas and look at some renovations coming up – the lobby, the conference floor will be renovated this year. So I would like to continue what we do best — a personalised service and have the product go with this and just keep us young and fresh.”

Martin Van Kan, Fairmont Palm Jumeirah: You have a clean slate, what’s your ambition?
“We have to dovetail on what Fairmont has in Dubai — 10 years. A lot has been done with the community and with environmental awareness and we have to make sure we don’t stand apart from that in terms of operating excellence.

After two years our presence in the market in Abu Dhabi has set a lot of expectations for us to makes sure we can reach our market position forecasts, whether it is the wholesale markets or the corporate markets and we have that opportunity with everything that is happening immediately with Tecom and Media City.

“So there is a tremendous market that can be taken out of the corporate market. We would like to make sure we get our fair share. We’re very aware of all the other new hotels that are opening on the crescent in the east and west side. It will be a very competitive market.

And for us success will be spelt by making sure we have staff that is able to serve customers from day number one to bring life to the Fairmont brand. It is not just opening another hotel in Dubai, it is about opening a Fairmont hotel on the Palm.”