The elegant Presidential Suite at The Address Dubai Marina is taken care of by housekeeping expert Gopi Joghee, who says coil counts of 300 minimum are used to guarantee a peaceful night's rest for his guests. The elegant Presidential Suite at The Address Dubai Marina is taken care of by housekeeping expert Gopi Joghee, who says coil counts of 300 minimum are used to guarantee a peaceful night's rest for his guests.

Bed company experts and executive housekeepers share their opinions with Hotelier Middle East on the latest trends and issues in this sector, while also revealing their tips for giving guests a good night’s sleep.

(Click through to the last page for the bios of each Supplier roundtable respondent)

What are the main considerations when designing, or choosing, beds?
Hassan Al-Hazeem, Intercoil International: The main aspects that are always kept in mind while designing our beds and bedding are comfort and durability.

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Gopi Joghee, The Address Dubai Marina: The comfort of our guests is the priority. We try the beds for a week before making a purchasing decision. We also evaluate various technical specifications such as coil count, spring type and fabric composition, among others.

Mattresses with box spring help provide support and we prefer them. Also, to meet diverse requirements, we order beds that can be adjusted in terms of hardness and softness. A thick feather top is used to make the bed softer.

Elisabeth Hintermann, Mühldorfer GmbH & Co.KG: Our first and most important aspect is obviously the wellness and good rest of the hotel guests.

But then we look at the cost-performance ratio for the hotel and the hotelier. Finally, we try and provide the best handling for the housekeeping, to make it easier for them.

Nuran Acar, Hilton Abu Dhabi: Certainly we should be looking for two important factors. Support, determined by the coil springs inside the mattress and comfort, from the padding, which serves to cushion your body from the support of the springs and should mould itself to your shape. Most of the orthopaedic experts recommend you sleep on the firmest, most supportive mattress you find comfortable

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