Alessandro Salvatico, speciality chef at Armani/Ristorante, Armani Hotel Dubai reveals two of his favourite recipes

Open Canadian lobster raviolo

  • 200g semolina flour, 300g egg yolk
  • 300g white flour, 25g olive oil
  • 10g fine salt, 30g black squid ink
  • 2 Canadian lobsters, 200g cherry tomatoes
  • 50g taggiasca olives, 10g fresh basil leaves
  • 50g cream,
  • 50g butter,
  • 70g milk, pinch of saffron, carrot, onion celery

1. Mix the egg, flours, salt, olive oil and black squid ink together to make pasta dough.
2. Let it rest in the fridge for two hours.
3. Boil the lobster in salty water for 3 minutes; cool down in ice and water. Remove lobster shells, place on oven tray and roast for 30 minutes on 180°C.
4. Braise vegetables into a ragout with olive oil. Add chopped tomatoes, lobster shells, water and let simmer for 30 minutes.
5. Sift stock and reduce.
6. For the foam, boil milk butter and cream. Add saffron. Bring to boil and strain.
7. Roll pasta dough thinly, cut into a circle, then blanch.
8. Dice lobster meat and pan-sear with olive oil, salt, pepper and a quarter of the cherry tomatoes.
9. Add some lobster stock, fresh basil and olives.

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Layer one piece of pasta with ragout and another piece of pasta. Place a seared lobster tail on top and some of the saffron foam.

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