Jamie Oliver wants to help shape-up MidEast kids Jamie Oliver wants to help shape-up MidEast kids

Edexcel, a provider of internationally recognised academic and professional qualifications, has launched Jamie Oliver’s Home Cooking Skills qualification in the Middle East.

Aimed at schools, the BTEC course is designed to give young people basic culinary skills, so they can cook for themselves in a healthy and cost-effective way.

Matt Clark, senior international business manager at Edexcel, is looking for pilot centres to start running the course, and stressed the need for them in the region to help combat obesity and raise the profile of culinary careers among kids.

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"The Hospitality Sector within in the Gulf and the wider Middle East is a major employer and a growing sector. With Nationalisation targets needing to be met, the hospitality sector is an area that government must engage with," he said.

"Education is key to opening people’s minds to the opportunities globally within this vibrant and attractive industry. There are many advocates within the UK such as Jamie Oliver who have inspired young people to train as a chefs and go on to have rewarding careers. We now need support to help take things to the next level in the region."

Clark also commented that the government should look to fund the qualification.